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37 weeks pregnant... "Is anyone ready for labour & tired of waiting?"

This week was both exciting and disappointing for me. 37 weeks is classed as "full term," basically bub could happily come at anytime.

I have had a week worth of progress and false alarms that made me extremely happy, then pretty sad when I realized my baby wasn't joining us right now. For example, I have had Braxton Hicks, false contractions, hip aches, back aches, "the bloody show" & "lightening."

Last night I was waking up from sharp pains in my pelvis and abdominals, so today when I got my blood tests done at the hospital I asked if they could check my cervix just in case. I was really hoping they would tell me a was dilated but instead she told me that our baby wasn't going to be joining us tonight :( I was disappointed. Apparently I have thinned out & he is very low but that didn't mean he was ready to join us.

I've read about preparing your cervix for labour or inducing labour from home. If anyone has anything I can try please email me at with your suggestions.

Also a book I would like to recommend is "The Business of the 21st Century" by Robert Kiyosaki.. if anyone is setting up their own business, need some motivation, inspiration or just interested in how companies & businesses work.. This is a book that you may enjoy.

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