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34 weeks pregnant... and counting!!

Trying to pass time while I am at home awaiting the arrival of our precious little boy, Nicholas. I am far too eager to meet him but my doctor has advised us that this is when he starts putting on his weight. I hope he will join us soon because I am struggling with the sleepless nights and pain in my lower pelvis and back.

So during one of these sleepless nights I decided to paint my little boys room. I just wanted to add a little bit of colour, nothing to stimulating as his room is meant to be his place of rest. After some research on my beloved Pinterest app I decided different shades of blue would go with his Nautical themed bedroom. This piece of wall art needed to be interactive and educational in some way, I want my fiancé to find it useful as well.

Hence my decision to use the alphabet... I have painted it next to his "poop deck" aka change table, this way we can sing to him while we change his nappy and he has something to look at and distract him while we are dealing with the not so fun situation down below.

It isn't completed, I am going to add some pictures like a boat, anchor or octopus.. what do you think so far??

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